Council urges public to recycle Christmas waste

The public are being urged to play their part in reducing the amount of Christmas waste sent to landfill this January by availing of one of Clare’s 5 recycling facilities.

The Environment Section of Clare County Council says people can bring a carload of recyclable waste to its recycling centres and transfer stations at Ballyduffbeg, Lisdeen, Shannon, Scarriff and Ennis for as little as €5.00.

Mayor of Clare Cllr. Joe Arkins commented: “I am delighted that the Council’s Environment Section is issuing important advice to the public on how they can minimise the impact of their Christmas on the environment. The people of Clare have always been very responsible when it comes to disposal of plastic, paper and glass materials built up over the Christmas period, and I am confident that they will respond similarly this year.”

“With the Christmas holidays comes lots of extra packaging, particularly in the home,” explained Joan Tarmey, Clare Environmental Awareness Officer.  She added: “However, most of this packaging can be recycled. Clare boasts one of the highest household recycling rates in the country, and this year we are again reminding the public to bring their recyclable waste to our recycling centres and bottles and aluminium cans to the 54 bring banks around the county.”

Ms. Tarmey added "We are also reminding the public to keep bring bank sites clean and tidy by depositing only bottles and aluminium cans into the banks. Boxes, bags or other materials used to carry recyclables must be taken home. Brings banks are serviced regularly. However there is huge demand on sites at this time of year.  Where bring banks are full, alternatives sites should be used.  We thank the public for their co-operation."

Details regarding recycling centre locations, opening times and recycling costs are available from Further recycling tips are available from
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