Report outlines €23.7M storm damage to Council infrastructure

Clare County Council today confirmed it will cost an estimated €23.7m to undertake remedial works to local authority managed public infrastructure damaged during recent storms.

The Local Authority has conducted an analysis of multiple coastal locations affected by the adverse weather conditions of December 26th/27th, January 3rd and January 6th. Inland locations affected by localised flooding were also assessed.

A copy of the report has been issued to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.  Elected Members have this evening adopted a resolution requesting the Department to make the necessary funding available to carry out the works detailed in the report.  

Mayor of Clare, Cllr. Joe Arkins described the damage caused to public infrastructure in communities along the north and west coasts of Clare as “extensive” and “the worst experienced in living memory”.

He added: “The cost of repairing the damage caused by the recent storms far exceeds the costs associated with the unprecedented and widespread flooding that occurred throughout County Clare in November 2009. It is Clare County Council's absolute intention to ensure that remedial works are undertaken, while my Elected Member colleagues and I expect that the finances required to carry out such works will be forthcoming from Government.”

“As a corporate body we have a responsibility to ensure that all public infrastructure such as proms, bridges, seawalls and roads are repaired or replaced. Separately as representatives of the local community, we also want to advocate the case for the provision of the necessary funding to enable coastal and flood defence works to take place so as to protect people’s homes, businesses and farmland,” stated Mayor Arkins.

According to Tom Coughlan, Clare County Manager: “The preliminary report prepared by Clare County Council highlights the significant and devastating effects of the recent weather conditions on local communities. In this report, the Council not only identifies the areas that have experienced significant damage but also fully commits itself to implementing a comprehensive programme of remedial works to public infrastructure within its remit subject to funding being made available. In the meantime, Council staff will continue to participate in clean-up operations while a range of essential works are progressing.”

He continued: “Clare County Council accepts there has been further significant damage to infrastructure not under the control of the Council, in particular to estuary embankments along the Shannon Estuary and strategic tourism enterprises. An assessment of this damage will now be completed for the Government’s consideration.”

“I want to acknowledge the work of Council staff throughout County Clare, including members of Clare Civil Defence and Clare County Fire & Rescue Service, for their emergency response and their ongoing participation in clean-up operations at multiple locations throughout Clare,” concluded Mr. Coughlan.

Location – Estimated cost of remedial works:
Lahinch - €5,842,439
Kilbaha - €3,423,950
Cloughaninchy, Quilty - €2,581,250
New Quay - €1,854,000
Carrowdotia, N67 Moneypoint - €1,115,400
Clahane, Liscannor - €777,500
Liscannor - €761,500
Kilcredaun Irish College - €622,000
Cappagh, Kilrush - €566,400
Rhynnagonnaught, Doonbeg - €547,500
Knock (Regional Road) - €516,624
Doolin - €499,000
Cloughansavan/Kilclogher - €435,125
Rinevella - €368,000
Ross Bay - €339,000
R478 Lahinch/Liscannor Road - €256,000
White Strand/Doonmore, Doonbeg - €237,500
Carrigaholt - €173,000
Kilkee - €75,360
Labasheeda - €63,000
Spanish Point - €48,000
Kilclogher Coast Road - €40,000
White Strand, Miltown Malbay - €38,000
Fodra - €30,000
Glasheen Cove - €30,000
Baltard (South of Doonbeg) - €29,000
Seafield Pier - €26,000
Aughinish - €25,000
Carrowmore - €18,000
R477 Ballyvaughan - €16,400
Rinevella Beach - €15,000
Moyasta - €10,000
Bártra - €6,000
Ballyvaughan Pier - €3,000
Bishopsquarter - €2,000

Non-Coastal - €190,000
Water Services issues - €20,000

The total costs of €23,761,043 includes a contingency sum equivalent to 10% to cater for design costs, damage reports not yet available and a variety of other elements. 
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