Clare County Council launches Public Alert service

Clare County Council has launched of a new system of alerting members of the public about road closures, severe weather warnings and other service changes throughout Clare.

People are being invited to sign up for free SMS and Email service alerts from the local authority by registering on the Council website, 

Users of the new system are able to select alerts of relevance to their area of the County and to opt in to receive additional notifications regarding community announcements and events.

Mayor of Clare Cllr. Joe Arkins welcomed the launch of the initiative, which has been unanimously supported by the Council’s Elected Members.

He added: “I warmly welcome the launch of this simple and useful communications tool which will enable the public to stay informed of important issues affecting their relevant area of the county.  With the winter season now upon us, this service may prove very useful to members of the public especially when one considers the severe weather that has affected Clare in recent years.”

“This is a free service that is being provided by Clare County Council. There are no registration costs and there are no charges associated with receiving SMS or Emails,” explained Urban McMahon, Head of Information Systems, Clare County Council.

Mr. McMahon added: “The events covered by the alert system include scheduled road works and closures, major road accidents and incidents, floods, severe weather warnings, boil water notices, and community and sporting events. We are looking to maximise its potential as a useful method of communication with our consumers.  Accordingly, we would encourage members of the public to register for these free alerts at and enter their details.”
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