Local Community Invited To Help Plan Future Development Of Kilrush

The local community in Kilrush are being asked to participate in the public consultation process for the preparation of the Kilrush Development Plan 2014‐2020, details of which were announced this week. 
Kilrush Town Council has commenced the period of public consultation as part of a review of the 2008 Development Plan for Kilrush, due to expire in 2014.

The revised Plan will determine the future land-use needs of the local community in terms of economic development, recreational and community requirements, as well as residential, transport and infrastructural needs.

The review of the Plan, which is being carried out in accordance with Section 11 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, will feature informal public information events at Moore Street (former Clohessy Electrical Sales store) on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th February from 12pm to 7pm.  Council officials also will brief local children as part of Development Plan process during visits to local schools on Monday 27th February.

Meanwhile, an Issues Booklet outlining the statutory and public consultation processes involved in the preparation of the Plan has been produced and made available online and at Council offices.

Welcoming the commencement of the public consultation process, Mayor of Kilrush Cllr. Ian Lynch explained that obtaining input from the local community at the beginning of the plan-making process is important to the final outcome of the Development Plan.

The Mayor continued: “A Development Plan is required to address the issues identified by the public and to reflect the aspirations of the community, as well as having regard for the hierarchy of Government Policy, Strategies, and Guidelines. The Issues Paper commences the first stage of the plan-making process by stimulating debate and encouraging the public to get involved.”

“I am confident that the level of interest and commitment the Councils will receive from the members of the public in Kilrush will shape the Kilrush Development Plan 2014‐2020 in a positive manner, and will also ensure its implementation when it is adopted in 2014”, stated Mayor Lynch.

Commenting on the background to the Plan, Nora Kaye, Director of Services and Kilrush Town Manager said: “The planning legislation requires the Planning Authority to review the Kilrush Development Plan 2008 - 2014 no later than 2 years from the date of expiration of the plan. This process is carried out in conjunction with the preparation of the 2014 - 2020 Kilrush Development Plan.”

Ms. Kaye continued: “Strictly dealing with land-use issues, the revised Plan will seek to guide and facilitate the future growth of Kilrush and surrounding areas. Therefore, it is vitally important that the Councils receive the input from all sectors of the community.”

The preparation of the new Kilrush Development Plan includes objectives on a range of topics, including core strategy; zoning of land in line with population target; provision of infrastructure; conservation and protection of environment; protection of structures or streetscapes; renewal of areas in need of regeneration; provision of accommodation for travellers; preservation, improvement and extension of recreational amenities; and the provision of community services.

The Issues Book is on display at the offices of Kilrush Town Council and Clare County Council as well as at local libraries, and on the www.clarecoco.ie and www.kilrushtowncouncil.ie websites.  300 copies of the Issues Book also have been issued to community groups, stakeholders, statutory bodies and ratepayers in Kilrush.

Community groups, individuals, stakeholders and students are encouraged to make written submissions no later than 4pm on Tuesday, 10 April 2012. There will be an opportunity later in the process for the public to further express their views and make additional submissions/

In making submissions and observations, individuals should state their name, address and, where relevant, the body represented. Submissions or observations should be addressed to: Planning, Economic Development & Enterprise Department, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.

Alternatively, submissions may also be emailed to forwardplan@clarecoco.ie (maximum document size by e-mail: 4MB) or may be faxed to 065-6892071. Submissions made via email must include the full name and address of the person making the submission.
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