Clare jobless figures drop by 7% – Mulcahy

Fine Gael Clare Senator Tony Mulcahy has welcomed the latest Live Register figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO), which show that the number of people out of work in Clare has dropped by 7% over the last 12 months.
He commented: “These are yet more encouraging figures from the Live Register, which show that the national unemployment rate has fallen for the 17th month in a row, to 12.5%. While this rate remains too high, these figures clearly show that the downward trend in unemployment figures is well established, as more and more people get back to work.

Locally, the number of people on the Live Register across Clare has fallen by 681 across Clare from 9628 to 8947 during the last year. Around the County, unemployment figures are down 8% in Ennis, Ennistymon and Tulla, and by 3% in Kilrush.

“This is significant progress, and proof that the numerous measures being implemented in the Action Plan for Jobs, to support small businesses, attract foreign investment and boost indigenous investment, are working,” commented Senator Mulcahy.

He added: “These results follow on from the very positive figures published last week, which show that an additional 58,000 people have joined the workforce over the last year. During Fianna Fáil’s last three years in Government, 250,000 jobs were lost in the private sector. Now, about 1,200 jobs are being created every week.”

“The pace of jobs growth is accelerating and unemployment is steadily falling. Furthermore, the numbers of long-term unemployed is also dropping. This is the result of schemes like JobsPlus, under which the Government pays one in every four euro it costs to employ a person who has been on the Live Register for more than 12 months. The Government is also spending more than €1 billion in the year ahead on education and training programmes to help people to upskill and retrain, so they are qualified for the new jobs being created in our reformed economy, which is based on innovation and enterprise.

“The unemployment rate is falling in every region across the country. This is testament to the fact that small businesses are getting back on their feet and once again creating jobs. Jobs growth has been particularly strong in the agriculture and tourism sectors over the last year; two key areas which the Government identified as having a high potential for growth. Initiatives such as the lower VAT rate and the scrapping of the air travel tax are directly translating into new jobs.

“Our unemployment rate is now at its lowest level in three and a half years. The Government is determined to build on this progress further in the year ahead, and an expanded suite of measures to boost jobs growth will be included in the Action Plan for Jobs 2014,” concluded Senator Mulcahy.
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