Limerick remains on flood alert

Limerick City and County Council says no new flooding has been reported in Limerick during the past 24 hours.

The Council, An Garda Síochána and the HSE remain on a state of alert up to and including the coming weekend with further heavy rainfall forecast for the period.

Flooding affected approximately 200 acres of Limerick City at the weekend with approximately 300 houses and up to 2000 people impacted. The local authority, in conjunction with other public service organisations, says it is continuing to liaise with residents and business owners affected by flooding.

Limerick City and County Council is in ongoing consultation with the OPW and Central Government regarding the requirement for additional flood defences to be provided at vulnerable locations.

The tide tables for Limerick Docks predicted a high tide level of 7.5m (actual high tide level 8.9m) for 07.12am on Saturday 1st February. The following are the predicted tide levels for the next two days:
Tuesday, 4th February: 6.6m at 9.54pm
Wednesday, 5th February: 6.6m at 10.14am and 6.3m at 10.40pm.

Council engineers are also monitoring water levels on the Lower River Shannon and on the Mulkear, Maigue and Deel Rivers ahead of more heavy rain forecast during the coming week.

In light of the high river levels, land, home and business owners along with motorists are being urged to exercise increased vigilance concerning the potential for localised flooding during the coming days.

-    Up to 250 local personnel from Limerick City and County Council, Limerick City and County Fire and Rescue Service, HSE, An Garda Síochána, Limerick Civil Defence, The Red Cross, Limerick Civic Trust, Community Employments schemes, residents associations and other community groups, have been involved in emergency response efforts throughout Limerick City. This figure is additional to Defence Forces personnel who participated in the response.
-    Approximately 15,000 sandbags were distributed throughout Limerick City during the period Thursday (Jan 30th) to Monday (Feb 3rd).

Flooding advice is available on Information included on the website includes advice on identifying flooding risks, protecting property against flooding, necessary steps to be taken if a property is flooded, and assessing and repairing property damaged by flooding.
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