Energy upgrades announced for Limerick Regeneration area homes

Limerick City and County Council has announced that hundreds of homes are to undergo thermal upgrading in the Regeneration areas of the city.

Work on delivering improvements to the Building Energy Rating (BER) of 23 houses in Southill and 23 houses in Ballinacurra Weston have commenced, while work on an additional 266 properties in Moyross, Southill, Ballinacurra Weston and St Mary’s Park are scheduled to get underway between November 2014 and February 2015.

The Local Authority has received funding from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government to carry out the thermal upgrades.

Work undertaken during the retrofitting programme, which follows the successful completion of 49 houses across all of the regeneration areas as part of a pilot project, include cavity or external wall insulation, new windows and doors where necessary, central heating upgrades and attic insulation.

Caroline Curley, Director of Services for Home and Social Development said the energy efficiency retrofitting of the houses will greatly improve the comfort levels for tenants and home owners.

She continued: “The provision of energy efficient homes is a long-term solution to fuel poverty. Promoting energy efficiency is also a key priority for Limerick City and County Council. This particular programme of works specifically targets older dwellings, which lack adequate insulation and draught proofing. These very important improvement works will directly benefit the people living in these homes and will serve as a positive long-term investment in Limerick's social and private housing stock."

Ms. Curley stated that other Regeneration area houses not included in this current programme will be included in future phases of this rolling retrofitting programme.

Samantha Jackson, whose house at St. Ita Street in St. Marys Park benefited from a thermal upgrade during the pilot project, commented: "I am thrilled with the work that has been carried out to my home. I haven't needed to put on the heating yet such has been the improvements made."

Under the Limerick Regeneration Framework Implementation Plan, it is proposed that 1,500 homes in the Regeneration areas will benefit from thermal upgrades.
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