Ennis prepares to host Irish Christmas Tree Throwing Championship

The countdown has begun to the third annual Irish Christmas Tree Throwing Championship which takes place at Active Ennis Tim Smyth Park in Ennis, Co. Clare, this Sunday (5 January, 2014).

All proceeds raised by the event, which is organised by Ennis Town Council and Clare County Council, will go toward the Clare Branch of Cystic Fibrosis.

The event, which is based on age-old lumberjack traditions and is commonplace across Germany and Austria, will see members of the public competing to achieve the longest distance for throwing a standard 1.5 metre tree.  

Last year's winner John O'Dea from Limerick launched a Christmas tree 10.2 metres, just under 2 metres short of the World Record currently held by Klaus Pubnaz who hurled a tree a distance of 12m at an event in Germany three years ago.

Hosted in conjunction with Active Ennis Sports & Leisure Facilities, the event will see the public’s used Christmas trees being sent forward for recycling while people will also be invited to make an eco-pledge for the New Year. 

Tim Forde, General Manager, Active Ennis Sports & Leisure Facilities described the competition as a novel way to turn Christmas tree recycling into a sport, while at the same time raise funds for a needy cause.

He added: “This is a sporting charity event with competitors from the four corners of Ireland and further afield being invited to take part. The event is open to men, women and children, and each contestant will get three attempts at throwing their used Christmas tree.”

“Disposing of the Christmas tree is often an arduous task for many so this event allows people to do so in style and with relative ease. The Council will be providing a free Christmas tree recycling service at various locations throughout Clare, but we would welcome anyone who wishes to drop their tree at the contest and make a donation towards the Clare Branch of Cystic Fibrosis. The Council will arrange for the tree to be mulched for use by its gardening section,” stated Mr. Forde.

Meanwhile, participants in the Irish Christmas Tree Throwing Championship are this year being asked to make an eco-pledge via computer laptops that will be in place on the day. The initiative of the Environment Section of Clare County Council is aimed at encouraging people to adopt an eco-friendly themed New Year’s Resolution such as a commitment to reduce the amount of food waste generated in the home or to turn the tap off when brushing their teeth. Other eco-pledge ideas are available on www.managewaste.ie.

The winner of this year’s Championship will receive the Championship Trophy and a 2-night Bed & Breakfast stay at The Armada in Spanish Point. The Irish Christmas Tree Throwing Championship takes place on Sunday, 5 January 2014, between 1.00pm and 4.00pm at Active Ennis Tim Smyth Park, Ennis, Co. Clare.
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