Improvement works to get underway in Limerick City Centre

Work will shortly commence on the first of seven Limerick City centre sites listed for transformation under the Limerick 2030 Economic Strategy and Spatial Plan.
Limerick City and County Council have appointed O’Kelly Brothers Demolition & Environmental Contractors of Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, to carry out a Civil Engineering and Site Clearance contract at Ellen Street and Michael Street as part of the City Centre renewal programme.

The works involve the removal of the former Workspace Studios on Michael Street and the former Tiger Lillies restaurant on Ellen Street with associated site clearance and site levelling works, allowing for the creation of additional car parking facilities for the area. The work will be carried out on a phased basis  and is scheduled for completion before Christmas.

Commenting at the contract signing, Mr. Tom Enright, Director of Economic Development and Planning at Limerick City and County Council said: “We are very pleased to be advancing interim improvements in Limerick City Centre as we recognise how important it is to consolidate the status quo while we await progress on the larger scale projects."

Deputy Mayor of Limerick, Cllr. Gerry McLoughlin added: “These works represent further progress on the redevelopment of Limerick City Centre. They complement other projects aimed at stimulating new commercial activity, including the Business and Retail Incentive Scheme, the Saturday Stalls on Cruises Street, and the Retail Excellence Ireland programme. On a combined basis these interim measures exert momentum and demonstrate the local authorities commitment to Limerick City Centre.”
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