Council gives character to city centre anti-litter campaign

If you were in Limerick City Centre over the weekend you may have enjoyed the antics of Limerick City Council’s anti-litter characters. The larger than life characters were out in force reminding people to “Love Limerick” and not to litter.

The characters were joined on the streets on Saturday (9th November) by Deputy Mayor Cllr. Kieran O'Hanlon and city centre TidyTowns volunteer Maura O’Neill from Keogh Somers Accountants, The Crescent.

Pledging his support for the initiative, Deputy Mayor O'Hanlon commented: “It is great to see the ‘Love Limerick, Don't Litter’ message being promoted in such a fun and upbeat way. It is important that we remember that it is all our responsibility to keep Limerick free of litter and help promote our city as a cleaner brighter place to live work and visit.”

Ms O Neill, who is part of a TidyTowns network of volunteers that participates in city centre clean-ups each Sunday morning, is encouraging member of the public to play their part in combating litter on our streets.

In a special message for smokers, Ms. O’Neill stated: "Cigarette butts are one of the most common forms of litter and they blight our city streets. They are also very difficult to clean up which is why I am asking smokers to dispose of them correctly for the benefit of the environment and appearance of the city centre.”

The anti-litter characters will be promoting the “Love Limerick, Don't Litter” message in the city centre each Saturday over the next number of weeks.  Free “Love Limerick, Don't Litter” pens will also be distributed to shoppers while stocks last. 
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