36M Euro payments received by Clare farmers

Just over €36m has been paid to Clare farmers under the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) and Disadvantaged Area Scheme (DAS) in recent weeks.

The figures, which have been obtained by Clare Senator Tony Mulcahy, show that 5,817 of 6,000 SPS applicants have received payments totalling €23.765m since October 16th with the remaining 183 applicants due to receive their payments in the coming weeks.  The percentage of SPS applicants paid to date is higher in Clare (96.95%) than in any other County.

According to Senator Mulcahy, the percentage of payments made to Clare applicants under the Disadvantaged Area Scheme is also the highest in the country at 85.65% with 5,349 out of 6,245 farmers having already received combined payments of €12.254m.

Senator Mulcahy stated: “The issuing of payments under the Single Payment Scheme has occurred earlier this year as the result of a European Commission’s decision in September to accommodate beleaguered farmers, who are experiencing difficulties due to inclement weather conditions.”

“The SPS and DAS payments will be very much welcomed by farmers in Clare and will go a long way to correcting any cash flow problems that they may be experiencing. Not only will these payments give the farmers involved a certain amount of security in relation to their income, it will also make it a little easier to plan for the rest of the year and beginning of 2014,” he added.
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