Limerick cleans up in National TidyTowns Competition

All of Limerick's participating towns and villages recorded a mark-up in their overall marks received in this year's Tidy Towns Competition.
The results were announced yesterday (Monday, 9 September 2013) by Mr. Phil Hogan, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government at the 2013 National SuperValu TidyTowns Awards Ceremony in Dublin.

Adare continued in its longstanding tradition of success in the competition by picking up the Limerick County Award and a Gold Medal after receiving 307 marks out of a possible 400, just 9 behind Ireland’s Tidiest Town 2013 (Moynalty, Co Meath). Ardpatrick (302 points) and Newcastle West (287 points) received Bronze Medals. Ardpatrick was also ‘Highly Commended’ in the County Award category while Galbally (295 points), a previous winner of the competition in 1994, was ‘Commended’.

Athea (230 points) picked up the County Endeavour Award after it recorded a 13.9% mark-up on its score from 2012. Meanwhile, the Mid West Best Bring Bank Award (€1,000) was won by Adare TidyTowns & Development Association while the Nicholas Street Limerick Medieval Quarter was named winner of the Urban & Rural Village Award (€1,000), sponsored by the Irish Planning Institute.

Elsewhere, Limerick City Centre Tidy Towns group followed up on last week’s positive report from the Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) league to achieve an impressive 20 point increase from 238 to 258.

The results have been welcomed by both the Mayor of Limerick, Cllr. Kathleen Leddin, and the Cathaoirleach of Limerick County Council, Cllr. John Sheahan, who said the progress made by Limerick’s participating groups during 2013 is a “a tribute to the Tidy Towns Committee members and volunteers who give freely of their time to enhance the visual appearance of their towns and villages.”

Acknowledging Limerick’s success in this year’s competition, Josephine Cotter-Coughlan, Director of Environment Services, said: “Limerick’s Tidy Towns groups make a positive contribution to the improvement and appearance of our towns and villages. Their combined hard work also acts as a springboard for the local community and business sector to promote their town as a visitor destination. I would hope that this year’s increase in marks for all participants will positively influence other towns and villages to consider entering next year’s competition. Limerick City and County Council looks forward to proving support any community group that wishes to take part in 2014.”

The Tidy Towns competition is organised by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and sponsored by SuperValu. SuperValu, and its 180 plus storeowners around the country, have sponsored the National Tidy Towns competition since 1992. Judging of entries takes place in June, July and August each year.

The SuperValu TidyTowns competition is open to all areas, big or small, urban or rural, and each are entered under their respective population categories ranging from the smallest, Category A - Under 200, to the largest, Category H - 25,001 and over.

Full details of all this year’s winners are available at 
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