Clare County Council Responds To Shannon Airport Report

Clare County Council today welcomed the publication of a report by consultants Booz and Company regarding the future management of Shannon Airport. 
The local authority said it was satisfied that the report had considered and made reference to its submission recommending that Shannon Airport and the surrounding landbank be separated from the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) and placed under the ownership of local public agencies.

Last November, Clare County Council’s Elected Members unanimously approved of the Council’s position regarding the airport’s future.

However, the Council said that due diligence had to be undertaken and completed in relation to the implementation of the Council’s recommendation, and the financial implications of same.

Mayor of Clare Councillor Pat Hayes said he welcomed the publication of the report which he described as “an important contribution to the debate on how Shannon Airport should be managed in the future”.

Tom Coughlan, Clare County Manager added: “The fact that the Government has commissioned a report to identify alternative models of control and operation at Shannon Airport is a clear indication that the current model, whereby the Airport is controlled by the DAA, is not operating satisfactorily and will not secure the optimum development of the airport as a strategic asset for the region. The Council welcomes the fact that Booz and Company has echoed Clare County Council’s view that the operation of Shannon Airport as an autonomous entity, as envisaged in legislation, cannot be achieved if the status quo is retained and therefore the option of retaining the status quo is not a realistic option.”

“Clare County Council will consider the content of the Booz and Company report and will cooperate with the Minister and his Department with a view to further securing the future viability of the Airport and its assets, including the surrounding landbank,” Mr. Coughlan concluded.
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