Public asked to help plan future development of Clare

Clare County Council will next week hold two public consultation events on the preparation of the new Clare County Development Plan 2017-2023.

Members of the public have until March 9th to make a submission on the new Plan, which sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the functional area of Clare County Council over a six-year period.

The preparation of the Plan will commence with two sessions of public consultation at Áras Contae an Chláir in Ennis on Thursday 12th February (4pm-7pm) and on Friday 13th February (11am-2pm).

Meanwhile, an Issues Booklet aimed at initiating public debate on what broad planning and development matters should be included in the new Development Plan has been produced and is available online at, and at Council offices and libraries throughout Clare.

The booklet highlights a number of what the Council describes as 'big picture' priority issues for County Clare over the next six years under a number of broad headings, including Housing and Population, Economy and Employment, Tourism, Rural Development, Infrastructure, Communications, Energy and Environment, and Heritage and Public Realm.

"The County Development Plan is the single most important policy document for the County as it represents an agreed economic, social, cultural and environmental blueprint for the future planning, growth and development of Clare up to 2023. The new County Development Plan will therefore be a key strategy document setting the vision and direction for the future development of our County for the benefit of all its citizens," said Cllr. John Crowe, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council.

"Public participation at the early stage is important, so that the final plan can address our aspirations for the county. In this regard, I encourage the citizens of Clare, and communities, organisations, businesses and stakeholders around the County to become involved and help us plan for the future of Clare as a great county to live in, do business and visit," added the Cathaoirleach.

Gordon Daly, Senior Planner, Clare County Council explained that the making of a new County Development Plan will also include a review of the existing Clare Wind Energy Strategy and the Clare Renewable Energy Strategy both of which form part of the current County Development Plan.  He noted that the new Plan is separate to the Draft Ennis and Environs Local Area Plan 2015-2021 but that both blueprints "will complement each other and the County in their objectives and implementation."

He continued: "It is important that individuals and communities who have opinions on these issues make their views known early in the process. The strategies adopted as part of the County Development Plan provide a strong direction on how future planning applications such as wind farms for example, will be dealt with. "

Commenting on the purpose of the Issues Booklet, Mr. Daly stated: "The Booklet sets out what are considered to be the main development issues facing County Clare between now and 2023 but the list is not exhaustive and the Council want to hear what the public think are the 'big picture' issues facing the County.  Requests or proposals for zoning of land cannot be considered at this stage and there will be an opportunity to make submissions on zoning later in the process."

The Plan-making process will take two years and will end with the publication in early 2017 of the Clare County Development Plan 2017-2023. Public displays and wide ranging consultation will take place throughout the two year process and regular updates on what is happening will be available on the Council's website,

Submissions regarding the preparation of the new Clare County Development Plan 2017–2023 may be made in writing to the Planning & Enterprise Development Department, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis. The closing date for receipt for submissions is 5pm on Monday 9th March 2015. All submissions received will be considered in the preparation of the Clare County Development Plan 2017-2023

Further details are available at


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