Clare County Fire and Rescue Service retains international Health & Safety Standard

Clare County Fire & Rescue Services has once again received national and international recognition for its ongoing efforts to protect the safety, health and welfare of its employees.

The “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems' certification was first published by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) in 2007 and sets out a preventative and proactive approach to identifying workplace hazards and assessing and controlling risk.

Clare County Fire and Rescue Service was first awarded the OHSAS 18001:2007 - the only auditable international standard for health and safety - in 2014 and is one of only five Fire Authorities in the country that have attained the accreditation.

Cllr. John Crowe, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council has welcomed the announcement describing Clare County Fire and Rescue Service's commitment to maintaining health and safety standards to the highest level as “critically important for both Fire Service personnel and the general public whom they serve.”

Tom Coughlan, Chief Executive of Clare County Council added: "From the perspective of promoting the Council’s Safety Management System, this is a very welcome development. Attaining and maintaining the accreditation means that the Fire Service is proactively managing the safety of its employees and contractors."

"Clare County Fire and Rescue Service personnel are among the most highly trained in the country and are equipped with the most modern equipment and personal protective equipment - this accreditation underlines that staff are also committed to implementing the highest standards of health and safety throughout their operations," added Anne Haugh, Director of Services for Emergency Services.

Adrian Kelly, Chief Fire Officer commented: "The management of Health and Safety of personnel is a top priority for all Fire Service employees.  The staff are delighted to retain the OHSAS 18001:2007 certification which will serve to remind us of how maintaining health and safety standards is central to the work we carry out on a 24-hour basis, 365 days of the year."

The announcement was made at today's February Monthly Meeting of Clare County Council.

For more on OHSAS 18001:2007 certification visit


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