National Tree Week is launched in Shannon

More than 60 people turned out at the Shannon Wetlands in Shannon Town on Sunday (2 March 2014) to launch National Tree Week in County Clare.
DĂșchas na Sionna, Shannon Tidy Towns and the Cubs, Beavers and the Scouts movement, who are celebrating 50 years in Shannon this year, participated in the plant-a-thon.

Mayor of Shannon, Cllr. Greg Duff planted the first tree – an alder – which is well suited to the Wetlands environment.

He commented: “The beginning of National Tree Week is being marked in Shannon this year as it coincides with the implementation of the award-winning Shannon Town Green Infrastructure Plan. The plant-a-thon provided a wonderful opportunity to get the young people of the area involved in such positive action.”

 Martina Harrison, Group Leader of Cubs, Beavers and Scouts in Shannon added: “The children were very eager to get going and they were a huge help in getting the trees safely planted in four different areas in the Shannon Wetlands.  The wet start to the day did not deter them as they came prepared as all good Scouts, Cubs and Beavers do.  It is fitting that this event marks our celebration of 50 years in Shannon.”

Joan Tarmey, Environmental Awareness Officer acknowledged the support of the staff from the Shannon Area office, the Council’s gardening section and colleagues in the Environment Section of Clare Local Authorities.

She added: “It was a real team effort between the Council and local community groups including Duchas na Sionna, Shannon Tidy Towns and the Shannon Scouts, Beavers and Cubs.  People went away with a heightened sense of respect for the environment, and that's what it's all about.  Well done to all the groups across the county who are participating in National Tree Week and getting stuck in to enhance their local town or village."

Further information on National Tree Week 2014 is available from


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