Brian Ború brought to life by ‘string’ of puppet shows

As part of the Killaloe/Ballina 2014 programme of events celebrating the 1000th anniversary of the death of Brian Ború, Clare Arts Office has commissioned a puppet show on the life of the Last High King of Ireland which will be performed at libraries throughout the County during March.

Honest Arts Production Company, founded by show co-writers Tara Doolan and Pius McGrath were selected to create a short, entertaining play for children that brings the life and times of Brian Ború to life using actors and puppets.

'We are delighted to be working with Honest Arts Production, who through Tara Doolan, their manager, have strong links to Killaloe, the ancestral home of Brian Ború', says Siobhán Mulcahy, County Arts Officer.

She continued:”Killaloe Ballina 2014 were anxious to ensure that Brian Ború was more than a figure in the history books, they were anxious to bring him to life, particularly to engage with young children and to show how important he was. With this in mind they approached the County Arts Office, who agreed to commission the show. Together with actors Pius McGrath and Myles Breen, we are confident that we have created a show that will engage young audiences and that will help them to understand his role in Irish history and the importance of this year's celebrations.”

The approach by Killaloe Ballina 2014 to the Arts Office was made in the context of the full programme of events being organised by Killaloe Ballina 2014, who are being supported by Clare County Council. 

As the birthplace of Brian Ború, Ballina Killaloe takes centre stage for the majority of events taking place during 2014. Dozens of events are expected to take place throughout Clare as part of a local Programme being organised by Killaloe Ballina 2014, in conjunction with Clare County Council. 

According to Bróna Moriarty of the Killaloe Ballina 2014 Committee: “We are delighted that the Arts Office felt that our proposal for a puppet show was an exciting addition to this year's programme. A lot of planning has gone into the year, and the inclusion of child friendly events is integral to the community spirit that is marking this special year.”

The Brian Ború Puppet Show will be launched next Thursday, March 6th at 10am in the Lakeside Hotel, Killaloe by the Mayor of Clare, Cllr. Joe Arkins.  It will then tour to libraries in Scariff, Kilkee, Kilrush, Ennis and Shannon. It is anticipated that the puppet show will also feature at various events celebrating Brian Ború's life throughout the year.

Brian Ború Puppet Show performances:
-    Thur 6th March: Launch at Lakeside Hotel, Killaloe at 10.00 am (booking through Killaloe Library (061 376062)
-    Thur 6th March: Scariff Public Library at 1.30 pm (061 922893)
-    Fri 7th March: Kilrush Public Library at 10.30 am (065 9051504)
-    Fri 7th March: Sweeney Memorial Public Library, Kilkee at 1.30 pm (065 9060769)
-    Mon 10th March: De Valera Public Library, Ennis, at 10.30 am (065 6846353)
-    Mon 10th March: De Valera Public Library, Ennis, at 12.00 noon (065 6846353)
-    Tue 11th March: Sean Lemass Public Library, Shannon, at 10.30 am (061 364266)

For further information contact: Siobhán Mulcahy, County Arts Officer at 065 6899091 For national events visit For local events visit


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