Advice issued to Limerick dog owners ahead of Halloween

Dog owners across Limerick are being reminded to take extra care of their pets during Halloween due to the stress caused by fireworks to the animals.

The Veterinary Section of Limerick City and County Council has issued a range of tips to members of the public to help them ensure their pets remain ‘stress free’ during the coming days.

According to John McCarthy, Veterinary Officer: “Halloween can be an extremely stressful period for pets. The impact of fireworks on dogs is different to other loud noises as they are more vibrant and are accompanied by sudden boom noises, flashes and burning smells.  Dogs are very sensitive, so Halloween can be very overwhelming for them.”

“Many dogs runaway and get lost at this time of the year so please be a responsible owner.  Make sure your dog is wearing proper identification i.e. collar bearing name and address of owner. If the dog is micro-chipped, which I strongly recommend, make sure it is registered on one of the national pet-owner databases with your up-to-date contact details. Then, if it becomes lost and is handed into a shelter or veterinary clinic, you can be contacted without delay,” added Mr. McCarthy.

The Veterinary Section has issued the following advice this Halloween:
-           Take your dog for a walk early on in the day as fireworks are less likely to be going off
-           Please keep your dog if possible inside or in safe environment
-           If dog is inside please close the curtains as flashing lights can make them afraid.
-           Put on the Radio/TV to distract noise from fire works
-           Be careful when opening front or back door in case your pet gets afraid and escapes.
-           Should fireworks go off nearby to you and your pet is anxious, stay calm & act normal 
-           Never ever force your dog to wear a costume
-           If treating your pet, never give them Chocolate or Raisins as these are very harmful to their health

Further information is available from the Veterinary Section, Limerick City and County Council at 061 496378/477


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