Limerick City to host Ireland’s first Urban BioBlitz

Members of the public in Limerick City and surrounding areas are being invited to join wildlife experts and ecologists this week in Ireland’s first ever Urban BioBlitz.

Hosted by Limerick City Council, Limerick City Centre Tidy Towns Group and the National Biodiversity Data Base Centre, the Limerick Urban BioBlitz is aimed at identifying and documenting wildlife species, from butterflies and birds to flowers and fungi, over a 24-hour period from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

A number of public events, including bat walks, moth viewing and trapping, wildlife art workshops and a Birds of Prey display, will be held across the City.

According to Sinead McDonnell, Environment Awareness Officer, Limerick City Council: “The primary aim of the BioBlitz is to promote the abundance of animal and plant life in Limerick City and in doing so increase public awareness of the importance of biodiversity in urban areas.”

“Biodiversity is all living things from the tiniest insect to the largest tree on view on People’s Park. Our health, economy and quality of life depend on a healthy environment rich in biodiversity. Here in Limerick City, its presence is everywhere, in our parks and gardens, by our roadsides, and in our rivers and streams. The BioBlitz gives everyone a chance to enjoy and explore the glorious wildlife of the City”, Ms. McDonnell added.

She continued: We would also like members of the public to volunteer to record the wildlife that they see around the Limerick City area between 5pm on Friday and 5 pm on Saturday. The recording sheets will be returned to the Urban BioBlitz Hub at the Urban BioBlitz Hub, Limerick City Art Gallery, Pery Square on or before 4.00pm on Saturday where they will be inputted on the National Biodiversity Data Base Centre’s records database. We are delighted that Dr. Liam Lysaght from the Centre will be joining us during the BioBlitz.”

Individual events taking place during the 24-hour period include a Bat Talk by NPWS Conservation Ranger, Elaine Keegan in a city location at 7.15pm on Friday. On Saturday, there will be a moth viewing and trapping event in People’s Park and Westfields at 11.30am followed by Art workshops for families with a wildlife based theme in the Hub (Limerick City Art Gallery) from midday to 1.30pm, and  Birds of Prey Display by Animal Magic in the Peoples Park from 11.30 to 3.30pm.

Volunteers interested in participating in the Limerick City Urban BioBlitz should call Sinead on 061-496367 or email


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