Deadline nears for Kilkee town strategy

The Mayor of Kilkee this week reminded the people of Kilkee and surrounding areas that the deadline for making submissions relating to a draft 10-year improvement and economic development strategy for the town closes on Thursday, 1st August.

Prepared by Clare County Council in association with Kilkee Town Council and various community groups concerned with the promotion and development of Kilkee, the Draft Town Improvement & Economic Development Strategy 2013-2023 will remain on public display until the deadline date.

“This public consultation process presents members of the public with a valuable opportunity to have their say on the future development of their local community,” commented Mayor of Kilkee, Cllr. Paddy Collins.

He added: “The draft blueprint, which is being themed as ‘Towards a Better Kilkee’, seeks to generate new employment opportunities in the town, promote the local tourism product and enhance the physical appearance of Kilkee. Obtaining input from the local community critically is important to the final outcome of the Strategy.”

A public meeting in relation to the strategy was held in the Kilkee Bay Hotel last month. 

According to Eilis O’Nuallain, Executive Planner, Clare County Council: “Community groups, individuals and stakeholders are encouraged to make written submissions no later than 4pm on Thursday, 1st August. Since successful towns are attractive places, the Council wishes to assist in enhancing the physical appearance of Kilkee as well as furthering the economic development of the town with this strategy. It is hoped that the strategy can form part of an integrated action plan for the rebranding and marketing of Kilkee for the benefit of all.”

The short and medium term priorities outlined in the Draft Strategy include carrying out a branding and marketing exercise for Kilkee, establishing contact with owners of all opportunity sites, promoting the existing coastal walks by upgrading signage and information, conducting a survey of derelict sites in the town, carrying out upgrading works to the bandstand, producing a comprehensive scheme of street and lane signage, and establishing a Database of Accommodation linked to a comprehensive new website for the town

The Draft Town Improvement & Economic Development Strategy 2013-2023 may be downloaded from / Comments and submissions on the study can be made in writing to the Planning & Enterprise Development Department, Clare County Council, headed ‘Towards a Better Kilkee’, by 1st August 2013 or by email to (max. 4mb).


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