Live Register Numbers Drop In October

Éamon Ó Cuív TD, Minister for Social Protection has welcomed a fall in the October Live Register figures published today by the CSO.

This is the second month in a row the Live Register has shown a decrease and Minister Ó Cuív said the fall “is a very welcome development.”

The headline (or unadjusted) figure in the October Live Register shows a drop of 12,864 on the previous month’s (September) total, bringing the Live Register to 429,553.

This October 2010 decrease (12,864) is the highest October monthly decrease in the Live Register since October 1996.

The October 2010 figure is the lowest monthly total since December 2009.

There is also a fall in the (seasonally adjusted) October Live Register figure to 443,000, which is a decrease of 6,600 or 1.5% on September 2010.

Minister Ó Cuív said: “It is also worth noting that the Live Register includes those who have employment albeit on a part time basis, and receive a payment from my Department for part of the week. These account for just over 63,000 people on the Live Register. The number of people on the Live Register who actually receive a jobseeker’s payment for a full week is 278,855. Over 25,500 people on the Register are signing for PRSI credits only (i.e. to maintain the continuity of their social insurance record).


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