Christmas Information Stop For Limerick Road Users

Details of a new initiative aimed at educating motorists on the dangers of road traffic crashes have been announced in Limerick.

The Lifesaver project initiative entitled “Information Stop” follows on from the successful programme for transition year and secondary schools during which over 20,000 students received poignant and focused information and advice on the dangers and lifelong consequences of road traffic crashes.

Led by An Garda Síochána and supported by the Emergency Services the road safety awareness initiative will entail a very visible interface by the Emergency Services with road users, particularly vehicle drivers and their passengers.

Gardai will interact with motorists during the Information Stop which will taken place at different locations throughout the city and county during the month of November. A Christmas Card bearing a Road Safety Message also will be presented to each motorist.

The Lifesaver Project - a Limerick Garda Division initiative - commenced in 2008 and comprises a collaborative effort between An Garda Síochána, the HSE Ambulance Service and Medical Services, and Limerick County and City Councils.

Garda Tony Miniter of the Limerick Divisional Traffic Corps explained: “The primary purpose of the exercise is to enable vehicle drivers and their passengers to receive some useful pre-Christmas reminders of the dangers of road crashes on the city and county’s roads. It is not about making people better drivers but making them realise how easy it is for things to go wrong and the consequences of bad driving habits. These range from very bad cases of drink and drug driving to simply not looking at the road ahead”.

“What we are trying to achieve here is an improvement in road use behaviour which it is hoped will lead to a reduction in unacceptable level of road fatalities and serious injury collisions on Limerick Roads”, Garda Miniter added.

Welcoming the initiative, Councillor Marie Byrne, Mayor of Limerick City said: “I would like to congratulate the Lifesaver team for continuing to promote road safety messages throughout Limerick city and county. Every effort must be made to ensure that road users are reminded of the importance of driving safety, particularly at this time of year. I have no doubt that exercise like this play a significant role in reducing the number and severity of road traffic crashes on our roads”.

Councillor Richard Butler, Cathaoirleach of Limerick County Council added: “I would appeal to motorists to use the opportunity to learn a little about the devastating consequences of being involved in a road crash. Sadly, recent events in County Limerick have reminded us all of the devastation that can be caused by road traffic crash. I would like to congratulate everyone involved in delivering this initiative”.

Inspector Paul Reidy of Limerick Division Traffic Corps outlined that the Information Stops were a joint effort by the Lifesaver Project Team to positively and significantly impact on road user behaviour through education.

He continued: “We would appeal to every road user out there to think safety when behind the wheel of your vehicle. Unfortunately road deaths in Limerick city and county stands at 12 fatalities up to end September 2010. This is unacceptable and every road death results in a family plunged into turmoil and suffering the heartache of loosing a loved one. Be responsible and be safe when driving.”

“A number of locations within Limerick City and County have been assessed for suitability and two exercises will take place one day each week (morning and afternoon) for the month of November at different locations in Limerick City and County. It is not envisaged that any significant disruption to traffic flow or journey times will occur”, Inspector Reidy concluded.

Information Stops:
The first information stops will take place on the Condell Road in Limerick City (10-11.45am) and on the N21 at Barnagh, Newcastle West (2.15-4.15pm) on Wednesday 3 November. The second Stop will take place at Mulgrave Street, Limerick (10am-midday) and on the N69 Askeaton Bypass (2-4pm) on Wednesday 10 November.

The third stop will take place on the Parkway to Bloodmill Road in Limerick City (10am-midday) and on the N20 Croom Bypass (2-4pm) on Wednesday 17 November. The final stop will take place at a yet to be confirmed city location and on the N24 Tipperary side of Boher Village (2-4pm) on Wednesday 24 November.

For more on The Lifesaver Project visit the “Road Safety” Section of the Limerick County Council website or the Limerick City Council website

Further details on the road Safety Authority Shuttle may be found at
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