Noonans and Bonds gather in West Limerick

More than 50 members of the Noonan and Bond families will travel from all over the world to West Limerick this weekend to participate in a special Gathering Limerick 2013 event.

The Noonan/Bond Reunion takes place from 2nd-4th August at South Cappa, Loughill and is one of over 160 festivals and events taking place across Limerick during the year of the Gathering.

Amongst those travelling will be 26 family members from the United States, 25 from the UK, 2 from Australia and 1 from France.

“Those travelling from abroad will join with their Irish relatives to remember those members of the Noonan and Bond families not with us and to celebrate with those who have enriched our lives and made us who we are,” explained one of the event organisers Mary Noonan.

Ms. Noonan explained that the idea to gather members of both families came about towards the end of 2012 and coincided with the Gathering Limerick initiative.

“This Gathering will be a joyful one where as so many other gatherings of family members scattered throughout the world regrettably only occur during a time of bereavement. Family members who have not seen each other in many years or indeed, who have never met previously will be united under one roof to celebrate our shared heritage and lineage. It’s something that we are all very much looking forward to,” Ms. Noonan added.

Mary’s mother Sarah Noonan, nee Bond, was born and reared in the family home in Dunmoylan, Shanagolden. Sarah had seven brothers and five sisters. Many of Sarah’s’ family emigrated, three to the USA and seven to the UK. Presently there are two brothers living in UK, one brother in Tipperary and one brother and two sisters living locally in Shanagolden.

Her father Jack Noonan was born in South Cappa, Loughill in 1911.

According to Mary: ”My father Jack was an employee of Limerick County Council and will be fondly remembered by many who encountered him travelling the roads of West Limerick on his bicycle overseeing road repairs. Jack was an only son and had 10 sisters. Of that large family one sister still lives near the family home. Mary McGrath, nee Noonan, is a healthy 94 years. An avid supporter of Munster Rugby, her home is adorned with photographs taken with some of her favourite Munster boys.”

Sarah and Jack were married in June 1952 began their married life in the Noonan homestead in South Cappa. They had eleven children, seven boys and four girls. Jack died in March 1985 followed by his son Michael in February 2004.

The Noonan/Bond Reunion is one of 161 Gathering Limerick festivals and events taking place during 2013. The Programme of events is being coordinated by the Limerick Gathering Team at City Hall.

Other events scheduled to take place during the coming weeks include Glenbrohane School Reunion (1-21 Aug), Beast of Ballyhoura Adventure Race (2-5 Aug), Ballygoughlan School Reunion (3-4 Aug), Festival of Speed (3-4 Aug), Cappamore Agricultural/Sporting Show (12-18 Aug), Kilbehenny Potato Festival (13-19 Aug), Castletown Development Association School Reunion & Festival (15-18 Aug), Knocklong Gala Weekend Festival & Family Events (24-25 Aug), and Geraldine Earls of Desmond Book Launch in Adare (27 Aug).

For more visit or follow the Gathering Limerick on Facebook (TheGatheringLimerick) or Twitter (@TheGatheringLk).


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