Ennis sticks to gum litter task

Ennis Tidy Towns Committee and Ennis Town Council will officially launch their annual gum litter challenge on Saturday 4th May in Ennis.  

Mayor of Ennis Peter Considine will get this year’s Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT) campaign officially underway between 12pm and 2pm at the Templegate Plaza.

Ennis Town Council is presently surveying the town before choosing three locations for this year’s campaign. Staff from the Council’s Environment Section will also be visiting schools in Ennis over the coming months to help get the message out regarding the correct way to dispose of gum.

According to Environmental Warden Gerry Murphy: “The incorrect disposal of chewing gum is a significant issue for many local authorities. It is an important and emotive issue for local residents as the irresponsible disposal of chewing gum is costly to remove. Promoting a behaviour change among gum droppers through local campaigns helps create a cleaner, more attractive local area that residents, visitors and businesses can enjoy. The success of last year’s campaign was evident at the National TidyTowns Awards last September when Ennis TidyTowns was presented with the overall Gum Litter Task Force award for 2012.”

Commenting on the upcoming gum litter challenge launch, Mr. Murphy said: “Members of Ennis Town Council and Ennis Tidy Towns will hand out gum wraps during this time and advise residents, visitors, and shoppers about the gum litter taskforce and the need for everyone to work together and do the right thing when they are finished chewing and put the gum in the bin.”

“The Purple Electric Band will provide entertainment on the day and play live outdoors in the Templegate Plaza.  There will also be face painting.   Diary this date, meet members of the tidy towns get involved in your town, come along and enjoy the music and the atmosphere,” he concluded.

The 2012 Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT) campaign achieved a 28% reduction in gum litter nationally. The GLT comprises representatives of the chewing gum industry; Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government; Food and Drink Industry Ireland; local authority representatives and civic society. The group reached a new three-year agreement with the Irish government in 2011 which will see it run annual public education campaigns up until the end of 2014.


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