Burren Ecotourism event explores Outdoor Ethics

An event focusing on the role that visitors to the Burren can play in conserving the local environment will be held in Lisdoonvarna, Co Clare, on May 16th.

Entitled “Burren Ecotourism Explore Outdoor Ethics”, the event forms part of the Burren in Bloom Festival and is being hosted by the Burren Ecotourism Network.

A panel of expert guest speakers will be participating in the event and will each speak about the importance of responsible tourism that conserves the environment and improves the well being of people who live in the Burren.

Included in the panel is Maura Lyons, Programme Manager for Leave No Trace Ireland, an Irish-based network of organisations and individuals with an interest in promoting the responsible recreational use of the outdoors.

Maura has qualifications in Communications, Food Business and Psychology and has previously worked in the tourism and business development sectors. Maura is a keen outdoor enthusiast and outdoor instructor, is passionate about Ireland’s natural environment and will be responsible for managing and developing the Leave No Trace programme in Ireland over the next few years.

Maura will be joined by Mary Mulvey, CEO of Ecotourism Ireland, who will be speaking about Ecotourism Ireland’s commitment to uniting conservation, communities and sustainable travel.

Mary has a BA in Geography, a postgraduate Diploma in Irish Heritage Management and a Certificate in Ecotourism from Sligo IT. Though Ecotourism Ireland and the Greenbox project, Mary has been instrumental in providing training and eco certification for businesses all over Ireland, including businesses within Burren Ecotourism.

The Burren Outdoor Education Centre’s Joanna McInerney will be representing Burren Ecotourism. Joanna will provide insight into how outdoor ethics plays an important role to everyone who lives in the Burren region. Joanna has been manager of the Burren Outdoor Education Centre since 1995, and has been involved in Adventure and outdoor education for over 25 years. Joanna is qualified to highest level in inland and sea kayaking and also holds rock climbing leader, mountain leader and basic cave leader awards. Joanna is a keen sea kayaker and has been involved in many trips and expeditions worldwide.

“Burren Ecotourism Explore Outdoor Ethics” takes place at the Wild Honey Inn in Lisdoonvarna at 8:00pm on Thursday 16th of May 2013. The event is free and open to the public. For more visit www.burrenecotourism.com
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