New Website Is All About Give And Take

St. Flannan’s College in Ennis today hosted the County Clare launch of a new web service which facilitates and encourages the reuse of household and business items. is funded by Local Authorities throughout Ireland and seeks to protect the environment through the reuse of items, reduce costs for users on waste disposal, and to extend the lifespan and value of items through reuse. 

The free website, which has been operating as a national service since July, is also available through English, Irish and Polish. Already over 34,000 items have been reused on the website.

Today’s launch event in Ennis coincides with a competition for primary and secondary schools in County Clare in which a prize will be presented to the school and student that posts most items on the website during the month of November.

Describing the website as a “wonderful way for people to pass on and pick up items free of charge”, Mayor of Clare Christy Curtin said: “We all have items around the house that we do not need anymore and often throw out. However, this website encourages people to pass on these unwanted items which may be picked up by others.  The site makes practical and environmental sense and I would encourage people around the county to see how they can potentially save money by availing of the items listed.”

According to Hugh Coughlan, spokesperson for the website, “FreeTrade Ireland encourages the better use of household and business resources, contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle for citizens in Ireland, and aims to bring about a change in our behaviour in the management of wastes”.

“The website is well laid out there are separate household and business sections with specific branding allowing users to offer items and wanted item posts. The website also features comprehensive item category and subcategory listings to ensure ease of access to information; saved search alerts, RSS feeds and an interactive mapping and route selection application to help users pin point where particular items are located around the country. We're also developing an App which will be available for the iPhone and Android phones in January”, Mr. Coughlan added.

Meanwhile, John Minogue, Deputy Principal of St. Flannan’s College in Ennis has urged schools around the county to participate in the “Give & Take” School Competition.

“This service presents significant opportunities for schools, households and businesses to pass on items that may be of use to others as well as pick up items that interest them.  It makes commercial and environmental sense for everyone to consider availing of this excellent and unique public service”, Mr. Minogue added.

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