Graduation Awards At Ennis Community College

The Minister for Defence Mr Tony Killeen TD has presented the Graduation Awards at a ceremony in Ennis Community College.

Speaking at the ceremony Minister Killeen said “I am delighted to be here this evening at the kind invitation of Mr. Matt Power, Principal, to celebrate this Graduation Awards Presentation Ceremony. Ceremonies such as this celebrate a combination of hard work, dedication and achievement by a large team of people, particularly by the successful students receiving their awards today.”

The Minister continued: “These are challenging times, not just in Ireland but also across the globe. It is now more important than ever to our country’s future wellbeing that we promote Further Education. It is vital that we continue to encourage and provide the means to open up learning and progression opportunities for everyone, within the much more limited resources available at this time. We must assist people to return to education or continue to upskill, and participate in all aspects of lifelong learning. This will not only enable them to achieve their full potential, but also better equip them to avail of more sustainable employment opportunities as the economy recovers.”

Adult and Further Education Programmes were introduced to provide integrated general education, vocational training and work experience mainly for people who were seeking employment or who had completed upper second level education.

PLC programmes are now a critically important feature of the lifelong education continuum. For young people looking to enhance their qualifications and employment prospects, for those seeking an alternative route of entry into higher education and for adults wishing to return to learning, the PLC route offers an invaluable opportunity. The PLC programme gives students specific vocational skills to improve their prospects of getting secure full-time jobs or to progress to other studies.

The range of awards presented at the ceremony represent the PLC courses available at the college and include Nursing Studies, Childcare with Special Needs, Community and Health Services, Business Studies, Accounting Technician and Business Studies Secretarial.

Concluding Minister Killeen continued: “I would like to pay tribute to Mr Matt Power, Principal and the entire staff of Ennis Community College, and everyone involved with this evening’s event. To the recipients of awards I say congratulations on the attainment of your certification. This is an important achievement in your lives for which you are to be commended and of which you and your families can feel justifiably proud. I wish you the best of luck and success on whatever future career path you choose to follow.”
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